1% Leadership: The Book
Most leadership books suffer from one of two critical failures (and sometimes both). The book might be a hagiography: telling you the biography of some amazing leaders, pretending there is one secret trick that will let you emulate that leader. Or the lesson of book should have been written as a tweet: in 280 characters you could have learned one lesson, but instead you have to fight through 300 pages of obfuscation to decipher the lesson.
1% Leadership is the antidote to these approaches. There is no secret, instead, 1% Leadership provides 54 distinct lessons on leadership, that apply to individuals, teams, and organizations. Each lesson is presented in a self-contained chapter, averaging under 800 words. The lessons are summarized in a tweet-length pithy summary, which is also the chapter title. The table of contents thus serves as a quick reference guide for leaders.
1% Leadership: Talk and Signing
Bring author Andy Ellis to your organization to briefly discuss his book with your organization. This 20-minute talk provides an inspiring platform for your team to engage in reading the book, and can be coupled with a fireside chat or Q&A with the leader of an organization, and can include a book signing.
Key takeaways: Leadership is a set of skills, and there is more than one way to lead. Leadership balance is essential to success as a leader.

Keynote: Leadership Disciplines
alternate title: Stop Destroying Value, Leaders!
This one-hour keynote walks leaders at all levels through all of the ways that poor leadership harms the value that team members could produce, and outlines six key disciplines that leaders need to practice skills in to reduce harm and increase value. It uses actual skills from 1% Leadership so that the audience can easily use the book as a reference as they strengthen their leadership practice.
Key Takeaways: Leaders need to practice skills at Wellness, Inclusion, Inspiration, Development, Planning, and Alignment; and these skills apply at all levels: individuals, teams, and organizations.
1% Leadership MicroTalks and Workshops
Each of the disciplines in the 1% Leadership Keynote can be delivered as its own microtalk, or expanded into a workshop for a leadership team seeking to improve its leadership practice.
1% Leadership: The Newsletter
The Duha One newsletter comes out weekly. It is designed to be read quickly at the start of your week, covering thematic topics with a timely Leadership Moment, a One Minute Pro-Tip, a 1% Leadership Chapter Cameo, and either a Leader Q&A or a sneak peek at some of Andy's not-yet published writings.
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